The analogy between time available and information awaiting our acknowledgement of them is disproportionate. However, we shouldn’t use this as an excuse for perpetuating our poor knowledge of the world surrounding us. The Internet no matter how many evils is accused of generating, it can be a quality resource of useful knowledge.Continue Reading…
The Blog
The answer is “yes” … if you know how to speed read, that is. Digital gadgets such as e-readers and tablets are making reading on monitors an increasingly tempting habit. And as with any new habit, speed reading on tablets or e-readers requires some skills and knowledge you need to possess in order to successfully speed read the new fantasy book you just downloaded.Continue Reading…
Once upon a time, when humans had to fight off attacking barbarians, their bodies developed a system to divert all energy and focus to the muscles during periods of extreme stress. The biology was simple—when there was danger, the body would produce certain chemicals such as cortisol and epinephrine to shut off areas of the brain needed for higher levels of thinking and memory, and divert all energy to the muscles for the “fight or flight” response. This system worked very well, and the human race survived to eventually live in relative safety in modern times. Continue Reading…
Are you one of those “Yes” people? The people who always are on the run because of their inability to say no to anyone, not even themselves? While such people are quite kind and gentle with everyone without exception, they tend to try to please everyone, often at the expense of their own unattended needs. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a commendable thing to do, being helpful to others. Continue Reading…
You’ve probably seen the gloom-and-doom announcers on television shows using ominous-looking statistics and “true life” stories to terrorize their audience into thinking that technology is a self-inflicted doom we brought on ourselves, making us dumb, lethargic, and mind-numb. On the other hand, the advertisements on those shows are usually from technology giants (and you know who I’m referring to all right) that are trying to convince you that their latest smartphone version is different than the last one, and is exactly what you need to be smart, energetic, and totally alive and connected. Apparently, to survive in this world of contradictions you either need to be bipolar, or to not really pay much attention to what self-titled scientists have to say – or technology advertisers, either.Continue Reading…
We spend the entire work week eagerly waiting for the weekend – but then we spend the weekend doing absolutely nothing, or at least nothing constructive. If you’re one of the people who falls into this category and who misuses the possibilities these two-day break offers, keep reading! Of course you need rest and sleep to make up for the crazy week that just passed, but finding a way to squeeze few self-improving activities into the weekend will be worthwhile in the long-term. Come to think about it, you have 52 weekends (counting both a Saturday and a Sunday) to achieve great things. That’s 52 opportunities for improvement, and it’s all possible if you set your mind to it.Continue Reading…
When we picture a brain, that lumpy, oddly-shaped mass inside our skulls, usually the last thing that comes to mind is that this is a muscle we need to keep fit. But we need to! In fact, training and keeping our brains fit when we are still young helps us postpone cognitive decline as we grow old.Continue Reading…
Too much to read, too little time. This is a common complaint these days. We have an abundance of information, yet limited time to take it all in. The joke is on us apparently.Continue Reading…
It’s 2013! And there’s nothing like starting it with a renewed determination and an attitude to make it your year of success and happy returns.Continue Reading…
If you’re as lucky as I am, you have a whole stash of useless, broken laptops that did not live up to your expectations. Heating up so badly that your fingertips burn when you type, going all black on you because it can – there’s no end to the whims that only laptops know to do so well.Continue Reading…