There are many words in the English language that are difficult to spell. Some of those words are difficult because they have clusters of consonants, others because of the “I before E” question, and many words are simply so unusual or uncommon that even the best spellers have to stop and think about the order of the letters. Actually, stopping and thinking is a great way to make sure that you’re spelling all your words correctly. Don’t forget that a few minutes of editing your text will save you time (and possibly embarassment) later.
Whoops! That should be embarrassment. We always get that one wrong …
Doubled letters are hard to handle in many words, and today we’ll look at seven of the words that people often misspell because of that double-letter problem. When you’re learning how to spell a word, it’s a good idea to write the word out several times, and even write it out in a sentence. If your eyes get used to the look of the correctly-spelled word, and your fingers and hand get used to how it feels to type or write it out, you’ll be less likely to misspell the word in the future. We’ve given you an example sentence for each of the frequently-misspelled words below:
My mother used to embarrass me by asking my dates all sorts of personal questions.
Why do you think even the best doctors have such illegible handwriting?
We want you to be on the library funding committee this year.
I knew the game was over when Gonzalez lost possession of the ball with thirty seconds to go.
Practice every day, and soon you won’t misspell any words!
Paul’s father might disapprove of his plan to become a clown, but he’ll pay for a year at the National Circus School anyway.
That professor always grades exams while drinking a cup of tea.