Spreeder CX can import and accurately convert files with the following extensions.
Now you can speed read content from 46 file types!

  • abw
  • doc
  • docx
  • html
  • lwp
  • md
  • odt
  • pages
  • pages.zip
  • pdf
  • rst
  • rtf
  • sdw
  • tex
  • wpd
  • wps
  • zabw
  • cbc
  • cbr
  • cbz
  • chm
  • epub
  • fb2
  • htm
  • htmlz
  • lit
  • lrf
  • mobi
  • pdb
  • pml
  • prc
  • rb
  • snb
  • tcr
  • txtz
  • key
  • key.zip
  • odp
  • pps
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • ps
  • sda
  • txt

Spreeder In the Press

Spreeder has been featured in hundreds of publications, including some of the web’s most popular news and tech sites. Here are some of the more prominent sites that have praised spreeder.

“The Spreeder webapp trains you to increase your reading speed by displaying single words in succession at a high rate.”

“Spreeder is meant to be a trainer of sorts. When words are flashing at a high speed in front of you, you’re forced to focus more on what’s going on, and you don’t get a chance to reread things you missed. “

“Use Spreeder, a free online speed reading app to help become a faster reader.”

“Spreeder teaches you to skip “saying” each word in your head and instead teaches you to just scan then store the information while comprehending it simultaneously.”

“Using a wide range of settings, Spreeder performs as a practice method to help users train their brains to speed read. Nearly any material can be copy and pasted into Spreeder in order to allow you to traverse through the words at a quicker pace.”

“An online tool called Spreeder which can train your mind to get rid of subvocalization and backtracing, by increasing the reading speed on the screen and output of text. You can customize the words per minutes to increase the challenges of your reading speed.”

“For reading comprehension and fluency Spreeder is an interesting web-based application. Paste any text and set the speed, font size, and begin reading. I do this in class using a classroom computer and projector, but it can be used on tablets and phones too.”

“Spreeder is one of a kind service that helps you learn speed reading. The idea behind it is to train your mind to process only what’s necessary and disregard anything that has a negative effect on your reading speed, backtracing and subvocalization.”

“Learn to read at a faster pace with much better reading comprehension using Spreeder, a free online speed reading service. This method trains you to achieve results, using passages of your choice. Simply load the text, and it will pace through at a speed appropriate for you”

“Spreeder is an online speed reading application where you can copy and paste text from a blog, news site or just about anywhere else you can imagine and have it flash words at a certain speed. I’ve started using it and am really enjoying it. “

“Spreeder is a free service provided by eReflect, the makers of 7 Speed Reading™. Unlike many programs, you can choose to practice with any text you want. “

“What Spreeder does is train you to read quickly. Type or paste some text into the text box and then click on the Spreed! button. It’s a lot of fun to try out and I can see myself using it to teach myself to read faster with better comprehension as well. “

“The best things about Spreeder is that it’s free. You can paste any text you wish and then adjust the controls, including the overall speed, font size, how many words you want to see at a time.”

“Spreeder is a free online reading website designed to improve your reading speed and thus also improve your comprehension. What Spreeder does is limit subvocalization by flashing words quickly on your screen.”

“Spreeder, and it’s a web app that turns pasted text into what is basically a series of online flashcards. When I was using this, I was able to work up to four words at a time with a speed of 600 words per minute.”

“I use Spreeder to teach speed reading in workshops for undergraduate and taught masters students. Spreeder makes it easy to change settings like words per minute and word chunk size. The aim is to prevent habitual “back-skipping” and “sub-vocalizing” by the student.”

“There is an awesome website called Spreeder that helps you get rid of your old reading habits and teaches you how to read more efficiently if you aren’t already doing so. Once you go on the site, you can spreed what they are all about.”

“Spreeder is free software you can use to improve your reading speed. If this spreeder technique will work for you, you should see results fast, in 3-5 days. “

“Spreeder helps you to train your eyes and brain for speed reading. Essentially, you copy and paste text to the site and it flashes each word in that body of text one-at-a-time for you to read.”

“Several free web applications exist that help users stop backtracking and train their eyes and mind to read more than one word a time. Spreeder is my favorite. I used Spreeder during law school to help me quickly read through cases. “

“After playing with it for a bit, I was reading faster than normal. I read two paragraphs of a law review article, which took 1 minute 50 seconds. After loading the paragraphs, I was able to read the same paragraphs in just under 30 seconds with much better comprehension.”

“44 Useful Websites That Will Change Your Life
#27 Spreeder – A Speed Reading “Coaching” Application”

“This free, online speed-reading software will improve your reading speed and comprehension. Just paste the text you’d like to read, and it’ll take care of the rest.”

“Spreeder is a free online program that will improve your reading skill and comprehension no matter how old you are. With enough practice, you could learn to double, triple, or even quadruple the speed at which you read passages currently.”

“What exactly Spreeder does is that this network allows you to past any content of your own choice to their homepage and it speed reads you through the entire content. You can also go ahead and add books to Spreeder to speed read through entire books.”

“This one you copy and paste the text into a window on their webpage. It then flashes words in a similar format and you can control the speed, length, etc. Lot’s of great options. Awesome for PDF’s, Word docs or long emails.”

“19 Websites That Will Make You Smarter – This free, online speed-reading software will improve your reading speed and comprehension. Just paste the text you’d like to read, and it will take care of the rest.”

“25 websites that will actually make you smarter – This free, online speed-reading software will improve your reading speed and comprehension. “