We at Spreeder don’t discriminate between hard copy book reading and digital reading when we’re talking about the importance of reading in general. We believe that each method has a unique set of perks. What’s more, we know all of you are different types of readers, each with your own respected preferable reading habits. Some of you are hardcore soft copy readers, who prefer the feel of a printed book. Some of you have abandoned print books entirely and embraced digital publishing entirely. But most of you use both media, depending on your needs, the context, and your mood.
If you’re passionate about the printed book and you’ve been reluctant to read with an ereader, we’d like to present you with 6 ways ereaders actually change (read: improve) your reading habits. Who knows, by the end of this post perhaps you’ll be convinced to give ereaders a try from time to time!
It’s Easier!
An ereader is super light. If you frequently favor long reads you can testify to how difficult it is to balance a heavy 600-page book in your hand.
The heaviness of a book interferes with the pleasures of reading and your cramped fingers and wrist often keep grounding you back in reality, pulling you from the imaginary world of the book you’re enjoying. Yikes.
An ereader gives you a distraction-free reading space where physical limitations don’t interfere with your sacred reading ritual.
You know how you feel when reading on the subway or other public place when you’re indulging in a “trashy” book you like to relax with. Those prying eyes scrutinizing your book cover – the people profiling you, the reader, by your book cover. Yes, people can be really hurtful sometimes. You don’t have to endure this RPI (Reader Profile Investigation), however, if you are reading on an ereader.
Countless Options
When you have an ereader you have instant access to virtually any book you please. You can purchase it and start reading the latest New York Times best-seller in a blink of an eye.
Besides, who doesn’t love the feeling of having a whole list of books ready and waiting? You’ll never have the frustration of getting to the end of your latest page-turner and having nothing new to read, especially when it’s late and both stores and libraries are closed.
Forgiving Formats
When you’re reading a printed book, you’re relying on the quality of the printer and publisher to give you a clear and legible text to read. Sometimes you don’t get the quality you need. For example, you might be familiar with the sensation of opening a printed book, only to realize that it’s printed in such a small font you have to strain your eyes to read. Or perhaps you accidentally picked up a book from the “large print” section in the library, and the font is so large it’s equally hard to read. With an ereader you won’t have this problem. An ereader is much more forgiving. It lets you increase and decrease font size; some even allow for font change as well. By adjusting the display you can make sure that your reading experience becomes more rewarding.
No More Props
Reading in badly-lit spaces means you need a book light clip so that you don’t disturb the person sleeping next to you. An ereader is a self-contained device that lets you read no matter the hour, the conditions and the place of your choice.
Speed Reading
With an ereader you can speed read non-fiction to your heart’s content. The possibility of running out of books to speed read is quite unlikely. An ereader gives you access to ample books to quench your thirst for new knowledge.
Reading hard copy books is a unique experience that engages more senses than ereaders are capable of. Nonetheless, the benefits of reading on ereaders are important and should not be overlooked. The increasing number of people who switch between conventional and digital reading prove that both have their uses. When it comes to reading, you can have your literary cake – and eat it too!
Cross-posted on the 7 Speed Reading blog.
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