Spreeder CX can import and accurately convert files with the following extensions.
Now you can speed read content from 46 file types!

  • abw
  • doc
  • docx
  • html
  • lwp
  • md
  • odt
  • pages
  • pages.zip
  • pdf
  • rst
  • rtf
  • sdw
  • tex
  • wpd
  • wps
  • zabw
  • cbc
  • cbr
  • cbz
  • chm
  • epub
  • fb2
  • htm
  • htmlz
  • lit
  • lrf
  • mobi
  • pdb
  • pml
  • prc
  • rb
  • snb
  • tcr
  • txtz
  • key
  • key.zip
  • odp
  • pps
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • ps
  • sda
  • txt

Best Speed Reading Software

With everyone looking to increase their reading speed, it’s no wonder the market is awash with computer software to help people learn. Speed-reading is a skill many people want to acquire as they follow the yellow-brick road to a better life, that better job, or attain a skill that simply betters their social standing.

But given the choice, which is the pick of the products currently available?

There are stacks to choose from at this moment in time. The top twelve according to Top Ten Review website are: The Readers Edge, Ace Reader Pro, Speed Reader X, Rocket Reader, Ultimate Speed Reader, Speed Your Read, Letter Chase Speed Reader, Stretch, Really Easy Reader, Rapid Reader, Best Reader, and Speed Reading. The quality of the products varies, as do the prices, which range from $129.00 to just $12.95. Not surprisingly, those at the lower end of the price scale are deemed not as good as the ones at the top, which is reflected in the number of features the programs contain. Generally, the higher-priced software contains the more advanced, and in-depth components.

One program not yet in the list is 7 Speed Reading. That’s because it is literally new on the market. However, judging from the product website, 7 Speed Reading is the most technologically up-to-date, with its basis in science, as well as focus on ease of use, and personalization. Crucially, 7 Speed Reading covers ALL the elements concerned with learning to read faster, not just one or two as is found with other products.

The speed-reading student will need to know all about Subvocalization, Regression, Fixation, Eye Muscle Fitness, Full-Brain Utilization, Optic-Nerve Maximization, Information Processing, Memory, and Comprehension. Each of these areas is fully covered with a wide range of exercises, and 7 learning strategies, 15 software activities, video training with a personal expert instructor, ultra-advanced tracking to monitor progress, and specific advice on how to prepare for your speed-reading experience.

At $79.95, 7 Speed Reading is at the top end of the price-range, but these days you pay for what you get, and in this instance you will be getting one of the very best products around.

Learning to read faster is essentially quite a simple concept to grasp – but it takes expert tuition to actually make it happen. This is mainly because learning to speed-read well relies on a full understanding of how to make the most of your eyes, and brain. 7 Speed Reading covers all these aspects beautifully. Until now, speed reading software has generally failed to deliver, because even the most expensive programs only provided 4 activities resulting in only a very small part of the students’ potential being realized. With 7-Speed-Reading you get 15 separate training activities, each scientifically designed to work on a separate aspect of your reading and comprehension.

For the student who is merely curious about learning to read faster, it is recommended that they take a good look at the websites of each product carefully to ascertain which piece of software will be best for them. For the student who is determined to succeed at speed-reading, 7 Speed Reading is definitely worth the investment.

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