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Can You Speed Read Comic Books?

Speed reading is a technique that allows the reader to save time while also grasping the underlying concept or theme in the text. Although speed reading can obviously be applied to reading books or newspapers, many comic lovers question the ability to speed read comics while also enjoying the message that the illustrations are meant to convey. In the 21st century, comics are no longer seen as simply a means of entertainment, but have been defined as an important marketing tool in this technology-driven era whereby visual impact can easily convey the mission statement of the organization or the core purpose of its product and services.

Comic lovers and readers of comic books and graphic novels have more and more publications available both in paper and online, and are usually eager to zip through the latest release to get ready for the next one. Speed reading can allow them to do so; all they need to do is employ a few simple and effective tips. Illustrations present within the comics are a powerful tool and a quick look at the illustrations allows the reader to understand the situation surrounding the characters. Comic readers should focus on reading the text silently rather than vocalizing, as saying the words out loud can slow down the reading speed.

Moreover, comic books and graphic novels tend to extend the entire scenario over several illustrations, often on the same page, and it is therefore recommended that the reader learn to skip over those illustrations that are not deemed to be important. A simple glance at each picture can allow you to gauge whether it’s worth reading or is simply an extension of the previous illustration. This technique, known as skimming, can allow you to speed read entire comic books in a matter of minutes.

Another technique to speed read comics is to avoid rereading the text. Many readers tend to go back to the last illustration and reread the entire text. This merely slows down the reading process. To keep up reading speed, you must force your mind to read forward rather than drift back to the previous illustration.

Speed reading comics is entirely possible; all you need to do is practice a bit based on the techniques described above.

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