Skimming, meta-guiding, photo reading, mind mapping, speed-reading. These are the main techniques that can be used to enable people to read faster. They are all similar in many ways, and yet there are crucial differences to be aware of.
Skimming is as the name suggests, the process of literally skimming through sentences looking for indications to the meaning of that sentence. This method relies on picking up on certain words that appear relevant to the “skimmer,” and guessing the rest of the words. It’s like putting together a mental jigsaw of words. Skimming also applies to the reader who scans text quickly looking for the relevant bits, and ignoring what they consider irrelevant. This can be handy for reading general information, but not so good for reading, and trying to understand more complex texts. The drawback to this method is that full comprehension of the text being read can suffer.
Meta-guiding is a more thorough method in that it involves using a marker, or pointer, or even your finger, to follow the text as you read. As you move your finger under a line of text across a page, you will find that your eyes will naturally follow the motion of your finger as it goes. The trick here is to not actually look at your finger of course, but at the text above your finger-marker. It is surprising, but this actually works.
Photo reading on the other hand is right at the other end of the “How To Read Faster” scale as it involves the mind entering a state of unparalleled freedom in order to literally “photograph,” and store the page of text being viewed. Photo reading is less about normal reading, which is based on recognizing the sounds of words, and is more concerned with treating words as images. It is a system that has provoked much controversy, and discussion. Undoubtedly people can do it – but it is very rare that anyone can make the 25,000 words a minute that the proponents of photo reading claim.
Mind mapping is similar to photo reading, but not as cosmic! This method focuses on training the brain to have the ability to recognize groups of words when they are placed together, thereby speeding up recognition of what is contained within the text as one reads. Words, and concepts that are familiar to the brain can be comprehended more speedily with mind mapping training. The idea is to train the brain to then work more efficiently when coming across words, or groups of words that are not familiar to it.
Speed-reading in many ways comprises elements of all of the above in one form or another, and at varying degrees of complexity, and a speed-reading program such as 7 Speed Reading by eReflect utilizes all aspects to produce probably the best home-study computer package available. eReflect has recognized that the core facet of learning how to read faster is re-training the brain, as well as making the most of our eyes.
Reading faster involves concentration, memory, quick eyes, and a focused brain. All these skills can be learned – if you have the desire – and a 7 Speed Reading package. If you are considering learning how to read faster, then this piece of software is definitely worth checking out.
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