If you have a job that requires a lot of reading and you need to keep abreast of new developments and changes in your field you work, then improving your reading speed is a very worthwhile pursuit. You’ll save yourself time and be able to keep on top of your reading requirements much more easily if you can read more quickly and retain more of the information you have read. It is possible to increase your reading speed fast with a bit of knowhow and the right tools to accelerate your reading.
How much can you increase your speed by?
The average individual with no speed reading training can read between 200 and 250 words per minute. With a bit of knowhow, this can be increased to 400 or even 600 plus words per minute. When you can read two or three times (or more) faster than you do currently, you’ll be able to quickly access information you need and reduce the time you have to dedicate to reading for work or study.
Options to increase your reading speed fast
There are a number of techniques that can be learnt to help you speed read. Finding out about these different options is one of the first things you should look into, as you need to identify what method or methods works best for you. Basics of speed reading such as good posture, eliminating distractions and meta reading (simply using something to guide you to read line by line) are among the simplest tools for focussing your reading efforts. You may decide that you need to use some more complex options such as mind mapping to accelerate your reading and comprehension.
If you want to make a quick start, using a book that guides you through the speed reading process may work well for you. You can begin straight away, you don’t have to wait for anyone else to be ready and you can continue at your own pace. A book is a good tool if you don’t have time to attend a course and you want something to hand to refer to later.
Another option is to purchase a speed reading computer program. There are a number of these available, so you simply need to look for the one that covers the techniques you are interested in; then work on building your skills at speed reading and comprehension by following the program.
Alternatively, you may feel that attending a speed reading course is the best option in your particular circumstances. These courses are ideal if you like to get support as you learn and you like to be in an environment where you can interact with other learners or one on one with your instructor.
There are many different occasions when speed reading can be useful. Whether you are a university student, or you are employed in a job where you need to keep abreast of new developments and you have a heavy reading load – this is a skill that can be used for life. The key is to understand how different speed reading techniques work, then work toward learning and applying the most appropriate technique to suit your individual circumstances.
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