Spreeder CX can import and accurately convert files with the following extensions.
Now you can speed read content from 46 file types!

  • abw
  • doc
  • docx
  • html
  • lwp
  • md
  • odt
  • pages
  • pages.zip
  • pdf
  • rst
  • rtf
  • sdw
  • tex
  • wpd
  • wps
  • zabw
  • cbc
  • cbr
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  • chm
  • epub
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  • htmlz
  • lit
  • lrf
  • mobi
  • pdb
  • pml
  • prc
  • rb
  • snb
  • tcr
  • txtz
  • key
  • key.zip
  • odp
  • pps
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • ps
  • sda
  • txt

Most Popular Gadgets of 2012

2012 has been a great year in terms of technological innovations and developments. From notebooks to tablets, smartphones and 3D technology, the future can easily be said to be already here and now.

Here are a select few of the items which most certainly caught the eye of gadget-aficionados all over, and which you might find useful, too.

Smart phones:

Every year, the lineup for smart phones just keep getting better. The displays get much brighter, the cameras more high-def. In fact, their capabilities just become more impressive, with a whole line of Blackberries and iPhones and Galaxy Notes coming out on the market, among others.

Internet connectivity, instant messaging, and of course instant connection to any contacts no matter where they may be in the world are all very enticing offers for the high-tech user.

Ebook readers:

It used to be that Kindle did enjoy a sort of monopoly in the ebook market. However, given its apparent success, more companies have been developing their own versions. This particular gadget has proven to come in very handy, especially for the mobile reader.

The models do come with Internet connection, thereby making it much easier for the user to just download ebook versions of whatever new novel they may be reading. Now, with so many more opportunities to read, there definitely is no time to waste, especially if your free time is already limited. That is why speed reading has also become a valuable asset, even more in today’s high-speed information-focused world.

Those who would like to improve this particular skill set can use speed reading tutorial software, such as eReflect’s 7 Speed Reading. There are plenty more out there, of course, but this one is an easy favorite, especially among critics. What’s more, the software comes with hundreds of free ebooks already installed.


There’s the iPad, the newer iPad Mini, Google Nexus, Blackberry Playbook, and so many more. The wave of the tablets has come, and it’s ensuring that people are going to be connected to the rest of the world more than ever. It’s connection at all times, guaranteed.

Of course, there are plenty more of these high-tech gadgets that have been flying off the shelves of retail and online stores lately. In the general scheme of things, though, these touchscreen devices are the ones that do have the most impact, and are proving to be the most popular.


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