If you are looking to obtain free speed-reading software from the Internet, then don’t think this will be easy. There are a few sites that purport to give you free downloads – but these are usually only demonstration copies not the full working product.
Other freeware versions of speed-reading software come in short time-limited trial modes, which give you a taste of what is available (usually for a month) after which time some form of fee will have to paid if you want to continue using the product.
Sometimes, what is being offered isn’t even free in the first place. It may say “free” in the search result, but when you actually click on the link 9 out of 10 times you will actually find it is not free at all. On closer inspection, you will find the advert didn’t actually say the software was free – just the access to it! On many occasions, you will find that the link you click on doesn’t even take you to the product you are interested in, and in fact leads you somewhere else altogether.
It is also rare that you get enough information before making the freeware download to know exactly what the program is going to contain, so really you don’t know what you are going to get until you have transferred the product to your computer. If you are prepared to download numerous programs in search for the one that you think is going to be any good, then by all means using freeware will have its rewards.
However, of those companies that do offer genuine freeware, it is unlikely you will find genuine, authentic products created by experts in their field. The same applies to speed-reading software.
In the end, searching for freeware can become a very demoralizing, frustrating, and time-consuming business leaving you feeling disappointed, or at worst cheated.
There are many software packages available at reasonable prices, and you are more than likely to find one that will do everything you need it to for a lot less than $100. One company offering a fully-working program at just $79.95 is eReflect who are new on the scene with their 7 Speed Reading software. Just one glance at the 7 Speed Reading website, and you can tell these people know their business, and have covered every aspect involved in learning the skill of speed-reading.
Beautifully packaged, 7 Speed Reading provides the speed-reading student with one-to-one tuition with an interactive coach, video demonstrations, and exercises, and personalized course studies that are “tracked” in real time to give you up-to-date progress reports, and expert analysis of your development with just “seven minutes a day” study.
7 Speed Reading is probably the most in-depth, user-friendly program currently on the market at such a low price providing an all round perfect home-study course.
Sometimes it is better to spend a little to gain a lot, rather than spend nothing for little return. After all, it could take you seven days trying to find the best freeware package, when you could already be seven hours into mastering a new skill.
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