Do you know what a fartlek is? It certainly sounds strange. So, to ease your suspicion, the definition of a fartlek is an exercising technique used for runners. Instead of including the word “exercising” in your writing, using more specific and advanced vocabulary words helps to strengthen your writing.
Wordela does just that! It doesn’t matter if you are practicing for a standardized test or simply writing an email, advanced vocabulary words are needed in our sentences. You don’t want to learn vocabulary words one time, but you want to put them into your long-term memory. Then, they can be stored into your brain for later use when you are writing.
The benefits of Wordela are endless.
- Bolsters confidence
- Helps with pronunciation, communication, and expression
- Masters advanced vocabulary
- Strengthens writing
- Increases analytical skills
So, why should Wordela be used? Let’s compare narrative sentences that were written before and after using Wordela.

The first sentence before Wordela contains simple vocabulary words, but after WORDELA, the vocabulary includes higher level words such as “endearing,” “relentlessly,” “yapped,” and “oblivious.” After reading the second sentence, you should be able to visualize the dog and what it is doing as well as the squirrel’s behavior.
What Wordela Provides
Wordela provides Smart flashcards and an abundance of courses to practice. Choose from a variety of courses that fit your needs. These options include learning vocabulary in the following areas:
- Productivity
- Career Success
- Brain Training
- Overnight Vocabulary
- Vocabulary Booster
- ESL Vocabulary
- Corporate Vocabulary
In these courses, there are hundreds of lessons that include games, tips, ideas, exercises, and writing activities! Try Wordela and watch your writing augment! (That means increase!)