Always Review proclaims Ultimate Typing™ an industry leader
Always Review, an established reviewer of programs and other technologies, shared in a helpful, in-depth review of the program in 2014. The editors at Always Review discovered that the combination of features, user-friendliness, expert-designed activities, and several unique functionalities make Ultimate Typing™ a top option for anyone looking to improve their keyboarding skills effortlessly. The editors were particularly impressed by the fact that the program is designed to be effective with only a couple of minutes of practice per day. The verdict sums it up quite well. “With the ease of use and effectiveness of this software,” the editors note, “you will have to look long and hard to find a product that offers the same level of performance as this software. For the amount it is sold for, it is very good value for money. ”
Ed Tech Round Up declares Ultimate Typing™ an essential classroom resource, an organization that aims at helping educators make the most of technology in the classroom, published a detailed review of Ultimate Typing™ EDU, the program version that has been especially designed for classroom use.
Ultimate Typing™ EDU makes it possible to gain typing efficiency through fun and interactive typing games and activities. At the same time, it offers powerful reporting functionality to both teacher and student to better monitor the user’s progress. EdTechRoundUp’s review concludes by saying, “Touch typing and keyboarding skills are essential to prepare students for today’s highly-competitive job market, and eReflect offers Ultimate Typing™ EDU to help educators and students achieve this important goal.”
Tina’s Dynamic School Plus rates and evaluates Ultimate Typing™
Established blogger and successful homeschooling mother Tina, from Tina’s Dynamic School Plus, offers a must-read, in-depth review of Ultimate Typing™ from a perspective that’s unique;: that of a mother who wants the best for her chidren’s education and success.
The blogger confirms the importance of typing skills in her children’s education and future career prospects, and wraps up her review with a statement many other mothers that offered Ultimate Typing to their children can sympathize with, saying, “After I unwrapped Ultimate Typing, I instantly saw the superior quality. There is just no comparison to other programs I have used over the years and that includes comparing what you get for the price too.”
Cross-posted on the Ultimate Typing blog.
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