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Category: Speed Reading

We Can’t Stress It Enough – Reading Has Many Benefits, And Here Are 5 More

Merely reading your emails and twitter updates on a regular basis does not make you an good reader. Someone who has a regular habit of reading books, journals, magazines or other material – reading daily, and reading longer pieces – will be able to take advantage of the benefits that reading brings. Good reading skills help you in several ways, including getting an increase in vocabulary skills and greater knowledge regarding the world. However, reading benefits are not merely limited to these well-known results. The habit of daily reading can prove to have a beneficial impact on many aspects of your life.Continue Reading…

7 Children’s Books Worth Reading Aloud

The rhythm of language, the lulling sound of a parent’s voice, and a good story to dream about are things that can give children unique memories to treasured be throughout their lives. Reading aloud to children is a thoroughly fun activity for both story-teller and listener.Continue Reading…

Why Do Some People Hate Books?

You might think of such people as lost and forgotten in a desolate area somewhere in the Antarctic, but no, they live among us. Many people hate books, and hate reading in general. Often, this is the result of insufficient exposure to quality reading material. However, there are many other reasons why people have a dislike for reading.Continue Reading…

Speed Reading Tip: Start Reading Very Quickly

That might seem obvious – of course speed reading is reading very quickly! But most people don’t know that there’s a simple way to go from being a slow reader to a lightning fast speed-reader: just force yourself to start reading faster. There are different approaches people take when it comes to learning how to speed read, but one rule is common to them all. When you accelerate your reading speed—even if you don’t actually know yet how to speed read—that’s a foolproof technique to get yourself used to the habit of speed reading.Continue Reading…

Habits For A More Productive You

The term “productivity” has gained immense importance over the past few decades, and people at home and at work constantly try to ensure high levels of personal productivity in order to ensure that their work is done in a timely and efficient manner. Productivity refers to achieving the maximum output within a minimum time scale in a manner such that quality is not compromised. Here are a few key tips that can help you to achieve higher levels of productivity in the workplace, and even in your home life.Continue Reading…

Can You Speed Read Comic Books?

Speed reading is a technique that allows the reader to save time while also grasping the underlying concept or theme in the text. Although speed reading can obviously be applied to reading books or newspapers, many comic lovers question the ability to speed read comics while also enjoying the message that the illustrations are meant to convey. In the 21st century, comics are no longer seen as simply a means of entertainment, but have been defined as an important marketing tool in this technology-driven era whereby visual impact can easily convey the mission statement of the organization or the core purpose of its product and services.Continue Reading…

Kindle Updates: Are These Better For Readers?

Kindle, an Amazon e-book reader, has gained immense popularity in recent times owing to its features that allow readers to download e-books and read with relative ease anytime, anywhere. Recent speculations suggest that a Kindle Car application might be launched by Amazon that will allow readers to listen to book narration while driving.Continue Reading…

Can You Speed Read Using Digital Gadgets?

The answer is “yes” … if you know how to speed read, that is. Digital gadgets such as e-readers and tablets are making reading on monitors an increasingly tempting habit. And as with any new habit, speed reading on tablets or e-readers requires some skills and knowledge you need to possess in order to successfully speed read the new fantasy book you just downloaded.Continue Reading…

Add Previewing To Your Speed Reading Techniques Today

Too much to read, too little time. This is a common complaint these days. We have an abundance of information, yet limited time to take it all in. The joke is on us apparently.Continue Reading…

Reducing Stress One Breath At A Time: 4 Tricks For A Less Stressful Day

People who claim to have found the secret to a stress-free life, please contact me ASAP. I would love to know your secret— as long as drugs are off the table!Continue Reading…