Spreeder CX can import and accurately convert files with the following extensions.
Now you can speed read content from 46 file types!

  • abw
  • doc
  • docx
  • html
  • lwp
  • md
  • odt
  • pages
  • pages.zip
  • pdf
  • rst
  • rtf
  • sdw
  • tex
  • wpd
  • wps
  • zabw
  • cbc
  • cbr
  • cbz
  • chm
  • epub
  • fb2
  • htm
  • htmlz
  • lit
  • lrf
  • mobi
  • pdb
  • pml
  • prc
  • rb
  • snb
  • tcr
  • txtz
  • key
  • key.zip
  • odp
  • pps
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • ps
  • sda
  • txt

Category: Speed Reading

Enhance Your Reading Experience with Spreeder: The Must-Have Software

Do you feel like you’re stuck on a never-ending treadmill of unread articles, reports, and novels? The thrill of acquiring knowledge constantly battles the frustration of a growing TBR (to-be-read) list. Imagine a world where you can devour information at lightning speed without sacrificing comprehension.

Enter Spreeder, the revolutionary speed-reading software that’s not just about skimming the surface. It’s your personalized portal to a knowledge fast lane. Forget generic, one-size-fits-all approaches. Spreeder tailors the experience to your unique reading style and preferences, transforming you from a textual tourist into a knowledge-guzzling machine.

Here’s why Spreeder is the must-have software for the modern information warrior:

  • Craft Your Comfort Zone: Ditch the eye strain of generic layouts and fonts. Spreeder lets you personalize everything from reading speed to font style, creating a reading environment as comfortable as your favorite armchair. Now you can focus on the content, not the formatting.
  • Become a Speed Reading Sensei: Gradually increase your reading speed with Spreeder’s controlled word presentation. Say goodbye to slow, word-by-word reading and hello to absorbing information in manageable chunks. Spreeder prioritizes comprehension alongside speed, ensuring you become a master of efficiency, not just a mindless speed skipper.
  • Track Your Transformation: Spreeder provides powerful tracking tools. Witness your reading speed soar, comprehension rate climb, and word count conquered, presented in a clear and motivating way. Learning with Spreeder is anything but a chore!

More Than Just Speed: While speed is a superpower, Spreeder understands the importance of comprehension. It equips you with the tools to actively engage with the text, not just passively consume it. Imagine finishing a book in a fraction of the time, retaining key points, and having the mental energy to delve deeper.

Invest in Your Intellectual Future: Spreeder empowers you to navigate the vast ocean of information with newfound confidence. Imagine conquering your TBR list, unlocking a world of knowledge, and boosting your productivity in all areas of life. Don’t just survive the textual treadmill – thrive with Spreeder as your guide. Download Spreeder today and embark on your journey to becoming a reading powerhouse!

Unlock Lightning-Fast Reading: Proven Techniques to Read Faster

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-growing stack of unread articles, reports, and novels? Wish you could conquer your TBR (to-be-read) list at lightning speed and finally conquer that mountain of text? In today’s information age, efficient reading is a vital skill. But fear not, knowledge seekers! Here are some proven techniques to dramatically increase your reading speed and comprehension:

Embrace Speed Reading Apps:

While not a magic bullet, speed reading apps can be a valuable tool in your reading arsenal. Look for apps that offer:

  • Personalized Learning: Apps like Spreeder personalize your experience by letting you adjust reading speed, font size, and layout. This creates a comfortable reading environment that maximizes your focus.
  • Controlled Word Presentation: Many apps use techniques like highlighting or rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) to help you absorb information in manageable chunks – gradually increasing your reading speed while strengthening your focus and comprehension.
  • Progress Tracking: Gamified progress trackers found in apps like Spreeder keep you motivated by allowing you to monitor your reading speed soar, comprehension rate climb, and word count conquered.

Master the Fundamentals:

Speed reading apps provide a boost, but true reading efficiency comes from mastering the fundamentals:

  • Eliminate Subvocalization: We often hear our inner voice say each word as we read. This silent pronunciation (subvocalization) slows us down. Practice focusing on meaning without “sounding out” words in your head.
  • Expand Your Visual Field: Instead of focusing on a single word at a time, try taking in groups of words or even entire lines with each glance. This technique, called chunking, allows you to absorb more information at once.
  • Active Reading: Don’t passively consume text! Engage with what you’re reading by taking notes, summarizing key points, or discussing them with others. Active learning strengthens memory and reinforces the information you’ve absorbed.

Practice Makes Perfect:

Just like any skill, speed reading takes practice. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Start Slow: Don’t try to be a speed demon overnight. Gradually increase your reading speed as you become more comfortable with the techniques.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Aim for incremental improvements in your reading speed and comprehension. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.
  • Choose the Right Material: Start with shorter, simpler texts and gradually move on to more challenging material as your skills improve.

Remember: Speed reading isn’t about skimming every word at breakneck speed. It’s about absorbing information efficiently while retaining comprehension. By using these techniques and practicing regularly, you can unlock the power of lightning-fast reading and conquer your TBR list in record time!

Master Speed Reading: The Ultimate Online Course You Need to Try

In a world where information is abundant and time is precious, maximizing your cognitive abilities is key to staying ahead. Introducing Spreeder, your ultimate ally in the quest to boost your brainpower and revolutionize your reading experience.

The Spreeder Advantage

Spreeder isn’t just another speed reading app—it’s a personalized brain-training platform designed to enhance your reading skills and cognitive performance. Here’s how Spreeder stands out:

  • Tailored Training: Spreeder offers personalized training programs that adapt to your skill level and learning goals. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced reader, Spreeder provides exercises and techniques to help you reach your full potential.
  • Engaging Exercises: Say goodbye to dull drills. Spreeder’s interactive exercises are designed to be fun and engaging, keeping you motivated as you improve your reading speed and comprehension.
  • Comprehensive Content: With access to a diverse range of texts, including articles, books, and academic papers, Spreeder allows you to practice speed reading across various genres and subjects, expanding your knowledge and understanding.
  • Progress Tracking: Keep tabs on your improvement with Spreeder’s progress-tracking features. Monitor your reading speed, comprehension levels, and retention rates to see tangible results over time.

Why Choose Spreeder?

  • Efficiency: Save time and increase your productivity by reading faster and retaining more information with Spreeder.
  • Confidence: Feel more confident tackling reading-intensive tasks, whether it’s studying for exams, keeping up with work documents, or simply enjoying leisure reading.
  • Brain Health: Studies have shown that engaging in activities like speed reading can help improve cognitive function and stave off cognitive decline as you age. With Spreeder, you’re not just boosting your reading skills—you’re investing in your long-term brain health.

Unlock Your Mind’s Potential with Spreeder

Ready to elevate your mind and unlock new levels of cognitive performance? Download Spreeder today and embark on a journey of self-improvement and growth. Whether you’re a student, professional, or lifelong learner, Spreeder is your partner in unleashing the full power of your mind.

Revolutionize Your Reading: Explore the Top Speed Reading Apps

Feeling buried under an avalanche of unread articles, reports, and novels? Dreaming of devouring your TBR (to-be-read) list at lightning speed and finally chipping away at that ever-growing mountain of text? In our information age, efficient reading is no longer a luxury, it’s a superpower. But fear not, fellow bibliophile! A variety of speed reading apps can transform you from a bookworm into a book bolt.

Spreeder: Your Personalized Speed Reading Champion

While a multitude of speed reading apps exist, Spreeder stands out as the frontrunner. Forget stale, one-size-fits-all techniques. Spreeder personalizes your learning journey, tailoring the experience to your unique needs and preferences. Here’s why Spreeder leads the charge in the speed reading app race:

  • Craft Your Reading Oasis: Gone are the days of struggling with generic layouts and font sizes. Spreeder empowers you to adjust reading speeds, choose your preferred font, and personalize the entire reading experience for maximum comfort and efficiency. It’s like having a reading environment custom-built for you!
  • Unleash Your Inner Speed Demon (While Ruling Over Comprehension): Gradually increase your reading speed with Spreeder’s controlled word presentation. Say goodbye to slow, word-by-word reading and hello to absorbing information in manageable chunks – all while strengthening your focus and comprehension. Unlike other apps that might prioritize speed over understanding, Spreeder keeps comprehension at the forefront, ensuring you become a speed reader, not just a speed skipper.
  • Track Your Progress, Celebrate Victories (Gamification Fit for a King/Queen): Spreeder’s built-in progress tracker gamifies your reading journey. Monitor your reading speed soar, comprehension rate climb, and word count conquered. Witnessing your improvement in a fun, engaging way is surefire motivation to keep you going! Spreeder makes learning enjoyable, unlike some other apps that feel like a chore.

Exploring Other Options: A Well-Rounded Approach

While Spreeder personalizes your speed reading experience, it’s part of a bigger picture. Here are some other apps to consider for a well-rounded approach:

  • Spritz: This app utilizes rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), flashing words one at a time at high speeds. It can be effective for skimming large amounts of text, but some users find it tiring on the eyes.
  • Eye Q: This app focuses on training your eye muscles to improve peripheral vision, which can theoretically help you absorb more words per glance.
  • Outread: This app is an excellent choice for reading news articles and web content. It allows you to adjust the reading speed and offers a variety of customization options.

Unleash Your Intellectual Potential

With a variety of speed reading apps available, you have the power to revolutionize your reading experience. Remember, Spreeder stands out for its personalized approach, focus on comprehension alongside speed, and engaging learning experience. Imagine devouring articles, reports, and even books in a fraction of the time, unlocking a world of knowledge and boosting your productivity. So why wait? Start your speed reading revolution today!

Boost Your Reading Velocity: Meet Your Ultimate Speed Reading Trainer

Are you seeking to take your reading skills to the next level? Look no further than Spreeder, your ultimate companion for accelerated learning. With Spreeder, you can unlock the full potential of your reading abilities and revolutionize the way you absorb information. Let’s delve into how Spreeder can elevate your reading skills and empower you to become a more efficient and effective learner.

Why Reading Skills Matter

In today’s fast-paced world, strong reading skills are essential for success in academic, professional, and personal endeavors. Whether you’re studying for exams, staying informed with industry trends, or simply enjoying a good book, the ability to read effectively is a valuable asset.

Introducing Spreeder: Your Reading Enhancement Tool

Spreeder is more than just a speed reading app—it’s a comprehensive reading enhancement tool designed to help you maximize your reading potential. With its innovative features and user-friendly interface, Spreeder makes it easy to improve your reading speed, comprehension, and retention.

Key Features of Spreeder

  • Personalized Training: Spreeder offers customized training programs tailored to your individual needs and goals. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your reading speed or an advanced reader seeking to enhance comprehension, Spreeder has a program for you.
  • Interactive Exercises: Engage in interactive exercises and drills designed to strengthen your reading skills and reinforce key concepts.
  • Comprehensive Content: Spreeder provides access to a vast library of texts across various genres and topics, allowing you to practice reading material that interests you.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor your progress with detailed analytics and performance metrics, enabling you to track your improvement over time and set achievable goals.

The Spreeder Advantage

Why choose Spreeder? Here are just a few reasons:

  • Efficiency: Increase your reading speed and cover more material in less time, giving you a competitive edge in your studies, career, and personal pursuits.
  • Comprehension: Improve your understanding of complex texts and retain more information with Spreeder’s advanced training techniques.
  • Flexibility: Spreeder’s flexible training programs allow you to learn at your own pace and customize your learning experience to suit your individual preferences and goals.

Get Started with Spreeder Today

Ready to unlock the full potential of your reading skills? Download Spreeder today and embark on a journey of enhanced learning and personal growth. Whether you’re a student, professional, or lifelong learner, Spreeder has the tools and resources you need to succeed. Elevate your reading skills with Spreeder and discover the joy of efficient and effective learning.

Speed Reading Mastery Awaits: Embark on Your Journey with Cutting-Edge Training

Are you eager to transform your reading abilities and harness the potential of speed reading? Look no further than the Spreeder app and its cutting-edge training programs. With Spreeder, you can embark on a journey to mastery and revolutionize how you absorb information. Let’s delve into how this innovative app can help you achieve speed reading proficiency and enhance your learning experience.

Why Speed Reading Matters

In today’s fast-paced world, efficient reading is a prized skill. Speed reading not only saves time but also improves comprehension and retention, making it essential for academic, professional, and personal success.

Introducing Spreeder: Your Path to Mastery

Spreeder is more than just a speed reading app—it’s your personalized reading coach. Through its cutting-edge training programs, Spreeder empowers you to unlock the full potential of your reading skills and achieve mastery.

Key Features of Spreeder Training

  • Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP): Spreeder utilizes RSVP technology to present words rapidly, training your brain to process information more quickly and efficiently.
  • Interactive Exercises: Engaging activities and drills reinforce speed reading techniques and improve comprehension.
  • Comprehension Strategies: Spreeder teaches strategies for enhancing understanding and retaining key information, ensuring that speed does not compromise comprehension.
  • Progress Tracking: Detailed analytics allow you to monitor your progress, set goals, and adjust your training accordingly.

Why Choose Spreeder?

  • Save Time: Increase your reading speed and efficiency, allowing you to cover more material in less time.
  • Enhance Comprehension: Improve your understanding of complex texts and retain more information.
  • Boost Productivity: Accelerate your learning and work processes, giving you more time to focus on other tasks.

Start Your Journey with Spreeder Today

Don’t let slow reading hold you back. With Spreeder, you can embark on your journey to speed reading mastery and unlock a world of possibilities. Download the Spreeder app now and experience the transformative power of cutting-edge speed reading training. Your journey to mastery begins today!

Break Reading Barriers: Explore the Most Effective Speed Reading Courses of 2024!

Ever feel like you’re perpetually treading water in a sea of unread articles, reports, and research papers? Does the thought of tackling that ever-growing “to-read” list leave you feeling like a shipwreck survivor clinging to a single page? In our information-saturated world, efficient reading is no longer a luxury, it’s a lifeline. But fear not, knowledge seekers! Speed reading courses are here to transform you from a textual underdog into a content-consuming champion.

1. Spreeder

Spreeder is an app that personalizes your speed reading journey. It goes beyond dry, one-size-fits-all speed reading techniques and tailors the experience to your unique needs and preferences. Here’s how Spreeder unlocks your inner speed reader:

  • Craft Your Reading Experience: Gone are the days of struggling with font sizes or layouts that strain your eyes. Spreeder empowers you to adjust reading speeds, choose your preferred font, and personalize the entire reading experience for maximum comfort and efficiency.
  • Unleash Your Inner Speed Demon: Gradually increase your reading speed with Spreeder’s controlled word presentation. Say goodbye to slow, word-by-word reading and hello to absorbing information in manageable chunks – all while strengthening your focus and comprehension.
  • Track Your Progress, Celebrate Victories: Spreeder’s built-in progress tracker gamifies your reading journey. Monitor your reading speed soar, comprehension rate climb, and word count conquered. Witnessing your improvement is a surefire way to stay motivated and celebrate your victories!

2. Udemy

Udemy is a popular online learning platform that offers a wide variety of speed reading courses, taught by experienced instructors. With Udemy, you can choose from a variety of courses that cater to different learning styles and budgets. Some of the most popular speed reading courses on Udemy include:

  • Learn Speed Reading to Boost Memory
  • Speed Reading for Work and Leisure
  • Effective 10X Speed Learning

3. Coursera

Coursera is another online learning platform that offers a variety of speed reading courses. Coursera’s courses are often taught by university professors and industry experts, so you can be sure you’re getting high-quality instruction. Some of the most popular speed reading courses on Coursera include:

  • The Science of Speed Reading
  • Advanced Speed Reading Techniques
  • How to Read Faster and Remember More

4. Skillshare

Skillshare is an online learning platform that offers a variety of creative and skill-based courses, including speed reading courses. Skillshare courses are typically shorter and more project-focused than courses on other platforms, making them a great option for busy learners. Some of the most popular speed reading courses on Skillshare include:

  • Speed Reading for Busy Professionals
  • How to Read Like a Pro
  • Speed Reading for Students

5. Local Speed Reading Classes

In addition to online courses, there are also many speed reading classes offered in person at community colleges, adult education centers, and private learning centers. Taking a speed reading class can be a great way to get personalized instruction and feedback from a qualified instructor.


No matter what your learning style or budget, there’s a speed reading course out there that’s right for you. With a little effort, you can learn to read faster and more efficiently, which will allow you to consume more information, improve your productivity, and expand your knowledge base. So why wait? Start your speed reading journey today!

Double Your Reading Speed and Retain More – Enroll in This Life-Changing Course Today with Spreeder!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of reading you need to do? Spreeder is here to help. This revolutionary app will double your reading speed and improve your comprehension, making it easier than ever to stay on top of your workload and enjoy reading more.

Why Improve Your Reading Speed with Spreeder?

In today’s fast-paced world, being able to read quickly and efficiently is essential. Whether you’re a student trying to keep up with coursework, a professional navigating through emails and reports, or simply an avid reader looking to devour more books in less time, Spreeder can help you achieve your goals.

The Benefits of Spreeder

  1. Double Your Reading Speed: Spreeder utilizes proven techniques such as rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) to increase your reading speed dramatically. With just a few minutes of practice each day, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can zip through text.
  2. Improve Comprehension: Contrary to what you might think, reading faster doesn’t mean sacrificing comprehension. Spreeder’s guided training exercises are designed to help you absorb and retain information more effectively, so you can read faster without missing a beat.
  3. Customizable Settings: Spreeder allows you to customize your reading experience to suit your preferences. Adjust the speed, font, and display settings to create the perfect reading environment for you.
  4. Track Your Progress: With Spreeder, you can track your reading speed and comprehension over time, so you can see exactly how much you’ve improved. Set goals, challenge yourself, and watch as your reading skills skyrocket.

What Spreeder Offers

Spreeder offers a range of features and tools to help you master the art of speed reading:

  1. Interactive Training: Spreeder’s guided training exercises walk you through the process of increasing your reading speed step by step. From basic techniques to advanced strategies, you’ll learn everything you need to know to become a speed reading pro.
  2. Wide Range of Content: With Spreeder, you can import text from a variety of sources, including websites, ebooks, and documents. Whether you’re reading for work, school, or pleasure, Spreeder has you covered.
  3. Mobile Accessibility: Take your speed reading skills on the go with Spreeder’s mobile app. Whether you’re commuting to work, waiting in line, or relaxing at home, you can practice your speed reading anytime, anywhere.
  4. Community Support: Connect with other Spreeder users from around the world to share tips, strategies, and success stories. Join forums, participate in challenges, and learn from the experiences of others.

Get Started with Spreeder Today!

Download Spreeder today and start your journey towards faster, more efficient reading. With Spreeder by your side, you’ll be amazed at how much more you can accomplish in less time. Don’t let slow reading speed hold you back – unlock your full potential with Spreeder!

Supercharge Your Reading: Discover the Speed Reading App Transforming How We Consume Information

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiently consuming information is crucial. Spreeder, a top-rated speed reading app, is revolutionizing the way we read, helping us process information faster and retain more. Here’s how Spreeder can supercharge your reading experience.

Why Speed Reading with Spreeder?

Speed reading isn’t just about reading quickly; it’s about enhancing comprehension and retention. Spreeder makes speed reading accessible to everyone, boosting productivity and ensuring you stay ahead in both personal and professional settings.

Key Benefits of Spreeder

1. Read 5x Faster

Spreeder leverages advanced techniques such as rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) to help you increase your reading speed dramatically. Imagine powering through books, articles, and reports in a fraction of the time.

2. Retain More Information

Speed reading with Spreeder isn’t just about moving your eyes faster across the page. It includes memory-enhancing strategies to ensure you retain and recall what you read, boosting your overall comprehension.

3. Enhance Productivity

By reducing the time you spend reading, Spreeder frees up more of your day for other important tasks. This can be a game-changer for students, professionals, and anyone looking to optimize their time management.

4. Improve Comprehension

Spreeder teaches you to read efficiently without sacrificing understanding. You’ll learn to quickly grasp key concepts and details, ensuring you fully comprehend the material.

What You’ll Learn in Spreeder’s Course

Breaking Subvocalization

One of the biggest obstacles to speed reading is subvocalization, the habit of silently pronouncing each word. Spreeder helps you minimize this habit, allowing your eyes to move more quickly across the text.


This technique involves reading groups of words at once instead of one word at a time, significantly increasing your reading speed. Spreeder’s training will teach you how to effectively implement chunking.

Using Peripheral Vision

Train your eyes to take in more text at a glance. Spreeder helps you expand your reading field, allowing you to read more words simultaneously.

Skimming and Scanning

Develop skills to quickly identify and focus on the most important parts of the text. These techniques are perfect for navigating dense material and locating key information efficiently.

Memory Techniques

Incorporate mnemonic devices and visualization strategies to enhance your memory and recall, making it easier to remember and use the information you read.

Transformative Results

Graduates of Spreeder’s course consistently report significant improvements in their reading abilities. Students find it easier to stay on top of their studies and excel in exams. Professionals manage their workloads more effectively and impress their employers with their increased efficiency. Avid readers enjoy more books and enrich their knowledge base. With enhanced reading speed and retention, you can open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Get Started with Spreeder Today

Don’t let slow reading speed hold you back. Enroll in Spreeder’s top-rated speed reading course today and start reading five times faster while retaining more information. Whether you’re looking to excel academically, advance in your career, or simply enjoy reading more, Spreeder has the tools you need to succeed. Download Spreeder now and unlock the secrets to a more efficient and productive reading experience.

From Novice to Ninja: The Incredible Benefits of Speed Reading You Need to Know

In today’s information-saturated world, the ability to read efficiently is more crucial than ever. Enter the realm of speed reading, a skill that promises to transform your reading habits and unlock a world of knowledge. But is it just hype, or are the benefits truly worth the effort?

The Power of Speed:

The core benefit of speed reading is, of course, increased reading speed. Imagine devouring textbooks, articles, and research papers in a fraction of the time it currently takes. This translates to:

  • Conquering your reading list: Say goodbye to the ever-growing pile of unread books and articles.
  • Boosting productivity: Free up valuable time for other tasks and pursuits.
  • Staying informed: Keep up with the latest trends and developments in your field.

Beyond Speed: The Comprehension Advantage:

While speed is undoubtedly appealing, the true power of speed reading lies in its ability to enhance comprehension. Contrary to popular belief, speed reading doesn’t compromise understanding. Techniques like chunking (grouping words into meaningful units) and expanding your peripheral vision help you grasp the overall message and key points of the text.

Unlocking Cognitive Benefits:

The benefits of speed reading extend far beyond the act of reading itself. It’s a mental workout that strengthens your brain in several ways:

  • Improved focus and concentration: By training your brain to process information quickly, you develop better focus and concentration skills that benefit all aspects of your life.
  • Enhanced memory and recall: Speed reading strengthens your brain’s ability to store and retrieve information, leading to better memory and recall.
  • Sharpened critical thinking skills: As you process information faster, you develop the ability to analyze and critically evaluate different perspectives, leading to improved critical thinking skills.

The Journey from Novice to Ninja:

Learning to speed read is a journey, not a destination. It requires dedication and practice, but the rewards are substantial. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Start slow: Gradually increase your reading speed as you get comfortable with the techniques.
  • Focus on comprehension: Don’t sacrifice understanding for speed. If you find yourself losing track of the meaning, slow down.
  • Use it strategically: Don’t rely solely on speed reading for all your reading needs. Use it for skimming articles or getting the gist of a text, but prioritize traditional reading for in-depth comprehension.

The Final Word:

Speed reading is not just about racing through text; it’s about unlocking a world of knowledge and information more efficiently. By mastering this valuable skill, you can transform your reading habits, boost your cognitive abilities, and achieve more in less time. So, are you ready to embark on your journey from novice to speed reading ninja?