Spreeder CX can import and accurately convert files with the following extensions.
Now you can speed read content from 46 file types!

  • abw
  • doc
  • docx
  • html
  • lwp
  • md
  • odt
  • pages
  • pages.zip
  • pdf
  • rst
  • rtf
  • sdw
  • tex
  • wpd
  • wps
  • zabw
  • cbc
  • cbr
  • cbz
  • chm
  • epub
  • fb2
  • htm
  • htmlz
  • lit
  • lrf
  • mobi
  • pdb
  • pml
  • prc
  • rb
  • snb
  • tcr
  • txtz
  • key
  • key.zip
  • odp
  • pps
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • ps
  • sda
  • txt

Category: Speed Reading

From Slow to Pro: The Speed Reading Tool That Will Amaze You!

Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time to read everything you want? Articles piling up, research papers looming, and the desire to read more often clashing with limited time?

Spreeder to the Rescue!

Spreeder is a powerful speed reading tool that can transform your reading habits and unlock a world of knowledge in a fraction of the time. Imagine devouring textbooks, articles, and research papers in a fraction of the time it currently takes. This translates to:

  • Conquering your reading list: Say goodbye to the ever-growing pile of unread books and articles.
  • Boosting productivity: Free up valuable time for other tasks and pursuits.
  • Staying informed: Keep up with the latest trends and developments in your field.

But is it just hype?

The good news is, Spreeder can significantly increase your reading speed without compromising comprehension. Techniques like visual pacing and chunking help you grasp the overall message and key points of the text while expanding your peripheral vision allows you to take in more words at once.

Brainpower Boost:

The benefits of using Spreeder extend far beyond the act of reading itself. It’s a mental workout that strengthens your brain in several ways:

  • Improved focus and concentration: By training your brain to process information quickly, you develop better focus and concentration skills that benefit all aspects of your life.
  • Enhanced memory and recall: Spreeder strengthens your brain’s ability to store and retrieve information, leading to better memory and recall.
  • Sharpened critical thinking skills: As you process information faster, you develop the ability to analyze and critically evaluate different perspectives, leading to improved critical thinking skills.

Ready to Get Started?

Spreeder offers a variety of features to help you on your journey from novice to speed reading pro:

  • Guided Reading Courses: Structured learning modules to help you build your speed reading skills progressively.
  • Speed Reading Exercises: Daily drills to train your eyes and expand your peripheral vision.
  • Personalized Goals and Tracking: Set your own reading goals and track your progress over time.
  • Content Library: Access a variety of articles and books to practice your speed reading skills.
  • Read Anytime, Anywhere: Spreeder offers seamless synchronization across devices, offline reading support, and a mobile app for on-the-go practice.

So, are you ready to transform your reading habits and unlock a world of knowledge? With Spreeder, you can become a speed-reading pro in no time!

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Spreeder VIP

Since announcing the release of Spreeder VIP, we’ve been amazed at the overwhelming response. We’ve received countless website chats, emails, comments, and forum posts about the program. Our team is working around the clock to provide the proper answer to each of your questions. Please be patient as we work to respond to every request in the next 24 hours. You WILL hear back from us! 

For now, here is a post to answer your most pressing questions about Spreeder VIP. If you still can’t find your questions or the required answer here, do not hesitate to contact us via chat or email.

1. What is Spreeder VIP?

Spreeder VIP is an all-around product that provides both reading lessons and productivity-related courses that will definitely get you and your family good reading, technical, and even life skills.

2. Do we need to pay to access Spreeder VIP? If so, how much?

Yes, there will be a price. For us to put this together, we have had to gather some of the top experts in the world. However, our goal at this stage is not to make money, and we are only aiming to recoup the fees that we have paid to instructors. For this reason, we can offer Spreeder VIP at a massive discount compared to what you would pay for similar courses elsewhere. This is very exciting, stay tuned for more details.

3. How many lessons or curriculum are included in Spreeder VIP?

Currently, there are 13 reading-related curricula and over 100 courses that will discuss reading skill improvement and other productivity topics

4. What are the kinds of lessons that Spreeder VIP will provide? I hope there is an overview where we can the topics included.

We have released blog posts introducing each online course. Feel free to check here:

Office Courses

Operating Systems Courses

Google Workspace Courses

5. Do I need to be a Spreeder user to buy this?

No, but you must be an eReflect customer or a subscriber to access this offer. So, if you have purchased any eReflect program or subscription, then you are eligible. eReflect programs include 7 Speed Reading, Vocab1, 7Spell, Spreeder CX, Ultimate Typing, and Typesy.

6. Is this available to the general public?

Unfortunately, due to the limited availability of Spreeder VIP, we cannot make it available to the general public yet. It’s strictly for Spreeder and eReflect customers. We appreciate your cooperation, and please refrain from forwarding emails or access to others. 

7. Do we have something to look forward to with Spreeder VIP?

The team will be adding more courses each month. Our team of educators and authors are working on more reading lessons and productivity-related courses that will be added in Spreeder VIP. You will be paying the same rate but with more courses as time progresses!

8. What will happen if I register with the limited offer for the Spreeder VIP page? Will I get the courses for free or will I be charged sooner?

You will not be charged until you specifically ask to purchase the program after launch. The price will be a massive discount on the normal price of the courses. Due to strict agreements with the authors, we are only allowed to offer this course to the first 500 people who apply. We highly recommend getting on the early notification list to ensure you are at the front of the line. 

9. How long does it take to complete one course?

With over 387+  hours of premium software and productivity training, Spreeder VIP offers a huge amount of great content. You can do all the training online in the comfort of your own home, or anywhere with an internet connection. It’s easy to complete the training at your own convenience. Completing the course will depend on a person’s learning adaptability and usage of the program, so we can’t determine the exact length to complete one course.

10. Can you give some background about the instructors or facilitators of these courses?

Your Spreeder VIP experts are among the most respected and experienced online instructors in the world. We will be announcing detailed bios of them closer to the launch. 

11. Why is there so much interest in learning different skills lately?

We have found that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, there is a huge demand for reading skills and other self-improvement training from employers, employees, students, and others. Our customers are smart people, and they realize that lockdown is the perfect opportunity to increase skills that will boost their careers, knowledge, and income – as we emerge from Covid-19.

NOTE: Spreeder VIP will only be available for 7-days at a special discount rate. In order to make sure you get to the front of the line, we highly recommend you join the early notification list. Click here to join the early notification list.

Learn the Secrets of Online Classroom Learning with Spreeder VIP’s Google Classroom Course

Google Classroom streamlines online learning as part of the Google office suite. It’s a free webs service that millions of students and their teachers use to communicate and collaborate.

Instructors TJ Walker and JM Ekhteyari guide you through engaging lessons that teach you how to master Google Classroom and take advantage of its best features. By the end of the course, you’ll know how to use Google Classroom and improve your online learning experience.

Here is TJ Walker’s advice on anyone planning on taking up any courses online:

Spreeder VIP Now Includes Two Google Master Classes

Gmail is one of the most popular email services in the world. As more people work and connect online, getting the most out of Gmail features and using the platform efficiently matters to everyone.

The Gmail Productivity Complete course will help you organize your emails to work more effectively. Completing this course will teach you things like how to customize your emails, add signatures, and automate tasks. As a bonus, we’ll teach you how to unlock several Gmail features you’ve never heard of!

Google Slides is a free presentation tool that’s part of the Google Doc office suite.

This amazing course, the Complete Google Slides Course, is brought to you by expert instructors who can teach you how to build and design captivating slideshows and other presentations. Some of the course objectives include:

* Learning new features to enhance presentations

* Work alone and collaboratively on presentations from home or work

* Find a wide selection of designs, templates, and artwork

* Build the skills necessary to make advanced presentations

* Discover how the experts build the best presentations

Take a Peek at What’s Coming in the Google Drive Course

Get to know Google Drive and master its features in just a few hours! We’ll take you through everything you need to know about the Google Docs Suite.

You’ll become familiar with the Google Docs Suite and unlock ways to increase collaboration and productivity. This amazing course takes only a few hours, and the results are incredible! Instructor TJ Walker and company bring you the latest updates on Google Drive and help you leverage the storage and productivity apps to work more efficiently.

G Suite for Everyone! by Amanda Orozco

Master Your Mac – With This Amazing Course

Learning how to use Mac unlocks many powerful tools that can help you complete personal tasks, college assignments, or work projects – and do so much more quickly and effectively. In this course, Apple Certified Trainer for Fortune 500 companies Fran Solo, will take you from becoming a beginner Mac user to mastering your device and increasing your productivity 10x!

Navigate Windows 10 With Ease – Professor K Will Help You!

Navigating and fixing the Windows 10 will be as easy as counting 1-2-3, and you can even do it on your own with this Microsoft Windows 10 – Hands-On Training. Professor Cliff Krahenbill shares his 20-years of professional technology experience as a Microsoft Support Technician. Learn how to navigate and troubleshoot Windows 10 devices quickly and easily.

Danny Ballan Explains How To Rock Your Next PowerPoint Presentation

Danny brings more than a decade of teaching technology and design to over 10,000 students. He even designed a course being used by schools all over the world! Now he’s here to show you the ins and outs of a stunning PowerPoint presentation. By combining basic, intermediate, and advanced techniques into one amazing course, you’ll be truly standing out at your next school project or work meeting. 

Ultimate Excel Course Sneak Peek

This is exciting news! The hugely successful Ultimate Excel Course by Alan Murray will be one of five courses included in the Spreeder VIP Package! This course is an in-depth course for everything you will need to know in Excel. It’s action-packed and there’s a lot to cover!

7 Books That You Must Read To Achieve Success

It is not easy to find success in life, but if you have the right knowledge and mindset, there is no reason why you cannot seek out your goals in life. To help you out, we have put together a list of seven books that you absolutely must read to achieve success.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey.

This is one of the best self-help books that you will find when you are looking to achieve success. The author informs the reader how the key to success is finding the right balance in your personal and professional life, change the way you perceive the world, and find ways to think more positively when faced with challenges. Whether you are a young college student or the CEO of a Fortunate 500 company, you are certain to improve your chances of success after reading this book.

What Makes the Great Ones Great: 16 Characteristics of a Champion by Don Yaeger.

The author of this self-help book asked more than 2,500 highly successful people how they managed to reach the top. The end result was a lot of inspiring motivational quotes and insights that focus on not merely being good but always seeking out more goals and challenges. The bottom line is that this book will show you to both get ahead in life and stay there. This is important stuff, so while you devote yourself to reading this book and learning the secrets to success, why not order high-quality essays from EduBirdie?

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

A groundbreaking book written in 1937, it remains required reading at colleges and universities everywhere, especially in business schools. The key takeaway is that success comes when you are able to handle people the right way. This means making them appreciated rather than feeling used and using powers of persuasion to get them to see your point of view. If they see that you are being sincere, straightforward, and opening acknowledging your flaws even as you critique others, there will be mutual motivation to want to succeed together.

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley & William D. Danko.

In this book, the authors interview wealthy, successful individuals – particularly those who live modest lives in spite of their money – to gain some insight into how they achieved success. The most important lessons for living a successful, satisfying life include living below your means and choosing a profession you feel passionate about it rather than for the social status. After all, success ought to be about financial independence and not about the need to compensate for insecurities.

The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

What makes this book stand out is that it does not dwell on unrealistic expectations nor does it offer empty promises. Instead, it is full of motivational thoughts related to how an individual’s success starts with a happy family life, satisfying profession and having a meaningful impact on the community. Success does not require you have superior intelligence, but it does mean having the right mindset. For example, if your dream is to write a book, one of the keys to success comes in being able to manage your time well rather than making excuses for why you can’t start.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves.

This is one of the more inspirational books because as the reader you begin to realize that the key to success is in the ability to develop the ability of self-reflection. As a result, you will have full control over your emotions and therefore will be equipped with the ability to identify problems and find resolutions that bring happiness. Furthermore, you will be able to understand why other people think the way they do and use that knowledge to further advance your success.

The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom: Practical and Spiritual Steps So You Can Stop Worrying by Suze Orman.

This book targets success from a slightly different angle compared to the other books on this list. While it focuses on mental and physical aspects, the author also spends a great deal of time on the importance of spirituality when seeking success. She does not endorse any particular path of spirituality but suggests that an important element of success involves being at peace with yourself and finding a broader purpose beyond the wealth that success brings.

Author: Helen Birk