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Category: Vocabulary

Why You Need to Write a Journal

Life is an endless journey and each day starts a new chapter in your life. But are you keeping track of your life and the different adventures that it brings?Continue Reading…

What’s Wrong? 3 Mistakes You May Be Making, And Why You’re Not Getting Hired

Recession and the resultant lack of jobs might not be the only reason that your resume gets rejected every time you apply for your “dream job.” Mistakes made by potential employees can also result in a lower probability of landing their perfect job. Handing in a professional resume and applying for jobs that meet your qualifications can allow you to substantially reduce the chances of rejection. Here are the three fatal mistakes that you might be making during the job application process, and suggestions on how you can rectify them.Continue Reading…

How To Realistically Reach For Your Goals

Positive, think positive! That seems to be the modern age’s credo. Be positive, think positive, just live in a positive bubble so no evil can ever harm you. But how effective is this life approach, really?Continue Reading…

Learn To Speak English As Well As You Can Read It

People who learn English as a second language tend to do very well in reading and writing English, but often do badly when it comes to actually speaking the language. Are you in this situation?Continue Reading…

Developments in E-learning You Won’t Want To Miss

As e-learning becomes more widespread, gaining in popularity and reaching levels equal to conventional university classes, magnificent developments are expected. Here are some 2013 e-learning developments:Continue Reading…

Is Kindle The Solution To Learning English Fast? An Examination

It used to be that it was only in sci-fi films that we saw people strolling around the city with high-tech mobile libraries in their hands. But e-readers have been a reality for some years now and as technology has been moving forward faster and faster, it’s been hard to keep up with all the new resources. The educational world in particular has yet to fully explore the potential of these new devices for boosting reading and literacy in general.Continue Reading…

Reading Speed, Spelling, and Vocabulary

If you want to read fast, a good vocabulary (and to a lesser extent spelling) is essential. Studies show that those with better vocabularies not only read faster, they also have better comprehension.

You can also look at it another way. Not knowing a word will dramatically slow down your otherwise fast reading.

If you want to improve your vocabulary and spelling there are lots of free and paid solutions available. eReflect’s vocabulary builder “Ultimate Vocabulary” is a popular solution. There is also a spelling software version of this product called Ultimate Spelling.

In terms of free solutions, Improving Vocabulary.ORG has some excellent free info that you can put to use right away. There are also lots of great vocabulary videos youtube.