Spreeder CX can import and accurately convert files with the following extensions.
Now you can speed read content from 46 file types!

  • abw
  • doc
  • docx
  • html
  • lwp
  • md
  • odt
  • pages
  • pages.zip
  • pdf
  • rst
  • rtf
  • sdw
  • tex
  • wpd
  • wps
  • zabw
  • cbc
  • cbr
  • cbz
  • chm
  • epub
  • fb2
  • htm
  • htmlz
  • lit
  • lrf
  • mobi
  • pdb
  • pml
  • prc
  • rb
  • snb
  • tcr
  • txtz
  • key
  • key.zip
  • odp
  • pps
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • ps
  • sda
  • txt

Speed-Reading Made Simple With ‘7 Speed Reading’

Speed Reading is all the rage at the moment. Everyone is doing it, from the High School student to the University Professor, the Wall Street banker to the A-List celebrity, even mums, and dads, and your Grandma. Why? Because people around the world are realizing that they need to be bale to read faster if they are want to be able to keep up with the modern world, and its ever-increasing speed.

One company taking the lead in this new boom of interest shown in the skill-set once advocated by such luminaries as Burt Lancaster, Jimmy Carter, and even the great ground-breaking JFK, is Australia-based eReflect and its’ 7 Speed Reading software.

New on the market, 7 Speed Reading is packed with priceless study techniques, lessons, and tutorials that go far beyond the scope of other similar products in the marketplace. Thorough, in-depth, leaving no area uncovered, 7 Speed Reading reaches into the very core of the principles of speed-reading, and pulls out some real learning gems.

The seven strategies in 7 Speed Reading includes: fifteen scientifically-designed software activities to automatically remove bad reading habits; thoughtful step-by-step modules to guide students, rather than abandon them to solo study; extensive, and stimulating reading material exclusively geared to wiki articles, and other associated sites, as well as over 600 ebooks ranging from classic novels to business-oriented subjects; cutting-edge technology to track students’ progress and customize learning, the software recording the learners activity, and then boosting it with further personalized tutorials; advanced user-management giving the whole family access to individual settings, tracking, and scoring during study; and ultimately, the skills to develop an ‘almost photographic’ memory.

7 Speed Reading will even look after student’s eyes! Taking a uniquely holistic approach, eReflect endeavors to make the whole study-by-computer process easier on the eyes with their advice, and tips on how to avoid eye fatigue, keep them fresh, and suggestions on exercises to maintain eye health, and prevent stress.

There are many software products already on the market, and speed-reading courses are still offered in conventional colleges, and study centers – but many of these are costly with prices ranging from $350 per person to $3,500.

Download 7 Speed Reading software, and it will only set you back $79.95. But as eReflect Director Marc Slater says, “Learning to read faster is possibly the greatest investment people can make if they are looking to get ahead in the workplace, and indeed in their general daily social life.

“It’s a fact. The faster you read, the faster you will process emails. The easier you stay up-to-date with your training. And the better you will perform at work. Today we live in a ‘knowledge economy’, which means ‘knowledge is money’. The more you know the more you are worth. Slow reading will prevent you knowing what you need to know in order to truly succeed. Fast reading, on the other hand, will make success in any career or study almost effortless”.

With unlimited email, and telephone support, instant software download to your computer, and 12 month 100% money-back guarantee, 7 Speed Reading have taken every step to ensure that learning to speed read could not be an easier.

In fact just 7 minutes a day with 7 Speed Reading is all it takes.

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