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Category: Uncategorized

Time Tracking Apps – Do You Really Need Them?

Time tracking apps have been hailed as a must-have tool for individuals who cannot handle their workload and other responsibilities efficiently on their own. Businesses and freelance professionals use time tracking apps to better monitor their workload and the time spent on each project.Continue Reading…

Why Being Effective And Competent Is Better Than Being Popular

When you’re in your teens, you might feel like you’ve got to be popular in order to succeed. Some people make popularity a focus even in college and university. However, once you reach your mid-20s and move into the workforce, you’ll find that popularity isn’t the key to success. Popularity is a short-term prize. You’ll find yourself quickly disillusioned of the idea that popularity is the most important factor. Other skills and capacities turn out to be more valuable. In fact, being effective and competent is more crucial than being popular. Why, you ask?Continue Reading…

The Best Exercise for the Mind is Positive Thinking

Research states that optimistic people, individuals who practice positive thinking, are likely to have a longer life span and enjoy a healthier life. One of the most valuable research studies on this subject was carried out by a psychologist, Martin Seligman, teaching at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh. The researcher affirms that a positive or optimistic attitude towards situations can allow individuals to overcome the challenges and barriers of life. The study highlights the fact that optimistic people are likely to achieve better learning outcomes as opposed to pessimistic people.Continue Reading…

Are You Ready for Windows 8?

The latest innovation by Microsoft, Windows 8, brings in an extensive range of 300 and above features and is advertised as the biggest change bought by the organization within its operating systems since Windows 95. The drastic changes within the OS mean that existing users are able to realize benefits in terms of higher speed and better security options. However, considerable time will be required to adjust to the new features presented by Windows 8. Here is a list of top five features within Windows 8 that are significantly different when compared to the older versions of the OS.Continue Reading…

Simple Ways to Learn Another Language Easily

Learning a foreign language is crucial for anyone who wants to travel abroad in the foreseeable future, either for studying purposes or for employment opportunities. Learning a foreign language will not only allow you to interact with people in their native environments, but will also boost your self confidence and memory. However, learning a foreign language often requires substantial time and effort as the basics underlying the new language tend to be vastly different from your own. Nonetheless, persistent effort and a few simple tips can help you learn foreign language with relative ease.Continue Reading…

Is Life Insurance A Necessity?

Recently published statistics on individuals with life insurance reveals a gloomy picture in which only 33% of USA citizens currently have life insurance. Life insurance is an insurance policy that acts as a cushion for dependents and other family members in case the breadwinner passes away. However, the importance of such a policy is often poorly understood, as evidenced by the statistics.Continue Reading…

Google Now for your desktop. Coming soon.

Google Now is a much-awaited mobile application that should prove to be a major convenience for Android smartphone users. The latest news from the Google frontier suggests that it won’t be long before Google Now is fully developed and supported as a desktop application for Windows OS.Continue Reading…

Habits For A More Productive You

The term “productivity” has gained immense importance over the past few decades, and people at home and at work constantly try to ensure high levels of personal productivity in order to ensure that their work is done in a timely and efficient manner. Productivity refers to achieving the maximum output within a minimum time scale in a manner such that quality is not compromised. Here are a few key tips that can help you to achieve higher levels of productivity in the workplace, and even in your home life.Continue Reading…

Making Your Brain Learn Much Better

This debate will never get resolved: people will continue arguing over the benefits vs. disadvantages of the Internet. Some people say that all the information available on the Internet will obviously make us smarter, but others say that all this information actually makes us dumber. You might wonder how this can be possible. After all, if all the answers are out there waiting on the Internet, what’s the problem? Let me explain.Continue Reading…

How To Be Successful At Anything

Most people have a list of life goals that include the phrase “to be successful at …” However, failures are an inevitable part of life; a part that cannot be avoided, and people must learn to plan for setbacks as well as working for triumphs. Although failures cannot be avoided, the chances of failing at specific tasks can be reduced through various strategies, including persistence, planning, and problem-solving.Continue Reading…